In Finnish

Do you want to order Oulu Student Magazine printed newspaper straight to your front door? You can fill the sign up form below!

For members of the Student Union of the University of Oulu (OYY) the price is 12,90 euros for a yearly subscription (4 issues, starting from your subscription date). For others, the price is 20 euros for a yearly subscription.

Publication dates for 2024

1/2024                          21.2.2024

2/2024                         24.4.2024

3/2024                         4.9.2024

4/2024                         13.11.2024

    Pickup points

    You can grab our printed issue from several pick up points located in the University of Oulu’s campuses and in the city centre of Oulu.

    You can read the digital editions of our printed issues on

    The pick up points in Linnanmaa are located in Tellus, H20 Campus, in front of OYY’s office, in front of the Pegasus library, coat racks next to Foodoo, in front of Cafe Hub and next to the staircases at X1-door. The pickup points in Kontinkangas are located in Cafe Galenos, hallway of Dentopolis, Kieppi and in front of Citylab. Pick up points in the city centre can be found at Kulttuuritalo Valve, restaurant Pekuri, Pekuri Library and BusinessAsema.

    Missing your printed issue?

    If you didn’t receive your printed issue or your mailing address has changed, please let us know via emailing () or by calling (+358 40 526 7821).